It’s official.


I have Polycystic Ovaries.

A month ago I was referred for a pelvic ultrasound and some blood tests. The blood tests showed that PCOS was likely, but needed to wait for the ultrasound to confirm.

I had the ultrasound on Wednesday last week and as soon as the sonographer placed the scanner on me and started looking she could see that my ovaries were enlarged, which is the first sign. After that she told me that she needed to do an internal scan as well, which meant I got to go and empty my bladder (yay!), I honestly thought I was going to wet myself when she did the external.

When she did the internal scan, she showed me my bladder, and uterus and finally the ovaries, and when she measured them found that they were almost 50% bigger than they should be, and I was showing all the classic signs of PCOS.

After that it was back to the doctors to discuss options, and I managed to get an appointment on the friday with the same doctor who had referred me, which was shocking enough in itself.

He advised that there were two options going forwards:

  1. Contraceptive Pill
  2. Metformin

I decided against the contraceptive pill, because although it will help with the hormonal aspect, my husband and I are still trying to conceive. So I’m now on Metormin, which will help with some of the other symptoms like excess hair (so long, moustache!), extra weight and hopefully, ovulation problems. We’re starting at 1 x 500mg tablet a day and will review in a month to see whether we need to up the dosage.

The doctor also said that if there’s no progress on the baby front I can be referred to a fertility clinic, so things are looking up. I know what’s wrong and we’re taking steps to sort it out.

My husband has been amazing, he emailed all of his family privately before mother’s day to let them know what was going on, has pretty much memorised the Wikipedia page and knows just how to make me feel better when I’m feeling down, which has been frequently since getting the diagnosis, including a bit of a breakdown at work.

Trying to stay positive though!

Mrs B